Saturday, February 26, 2011


Gaborik's two goals not enough to get past Quebec
Thunder Bay, Ont- Everything was going right for the Timberwolves for 40 minutes on Saturday against the Quebec Remparts. Too bad the game went on for 25 more.
Thunder Bay's leading scorer [Marian Gaborik, pictured] notched goals 40 and 41. TJ Oshie added a power play tally. A 4-2 lead was held going into the 3rd period. The Timberwolves had just potted 3 goals off of 28 shots on Quebec's Thomas Greiss. Momentum was clearly in the home club's favour. Why should they be worried? They were 31-0-1 when holding a lead after two periods. Even if the Remparts managed a comeback, Thunder Bay was still 3-0-8 in overtime. Too bad Quebec didn't care anything about that.
Midway through the third period, Quebec mounted their comeback. At 16:16 they tied things up with a power play goal after a terrible penalty from Timberwolves defenseman Erik Johnson. The momentum had clearly swung.
In overtime, it was a shot from Radim Vrbata that dropped the Timberwolves 5-4. Arguably their worst loss this season.
"There is no sugar-coating this one," remarked a visibly upset Timberwolves head coach, Craig Hartsburg after the game. "Everything we did well in the first forty minutes was completely washed out by this absolutely poor excuse for hockey in that third period. No disrespect to Quebec, but I'm kicking my team's ass over this. Until we figure out a killer instinct on a consistent basis, we're in trouble. We let up on these guys and paid for it. It cannot happen again."
Sticking to his guns, Hartsburg cancelled the scheduled day off tomorrow [Sunday]. They will practise early Sunday and then depart for Quebec City for their home-at-home rematch against the Remparts on Monday.
If there was any doubt before about who's in the coach's doghouse, it was confirmed that Erik Johnson is.
Johnson, who's ill-advised hook in the offensive in the third period that led to Quebec's tying goal on the power play, warmed up the bench in overtime. He will now not only not dress for Monday's rematch, but will not even travel with the Timberwolves there. Newly acquired Andreas Lilja has been promoted from the practise squad.
"Nothing is given here," said Hartsburg. "This isn't personal with Erik. He's had his struggles in his game, and that penalty is indicative of that. He was out of position and scrambled to recover. Hopefully some time staying here and watching video and doing drills with the practise squad will rectify his game. We're serious here and need everyone to bring their A-game everyday."
After Quebec on Monday, the Timberwolves remain on the road to take on Niagara Falls on Wednesday and Budapest on Friday.
>>>*Radim Vrbata [QUE] - Game-winning overtime goal and an assist
>>**Marian Gaborik [THU] - 2 goals and a assist
>***Matt Duchene [THU] - 2 assists

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